DaShawn defends his PhD thesis
DaShawn Hickman successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Platelet-inspired Nanomedicine for the Hemostatic Management of Bleeding Complications in Thrombocytopenia and Trauma”. Congratulations, Dr. DaShawn Hickman!
DaShawn Hickman successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Platelet-inspired Nanomedicine for the Hemostatic Management of Bleeding Complications in Thrombocytopenia and Trauma”. Congratulations, Dr. DaShawn Hickman!
DaShawn Hickman presented his research on the effect of SynthoPlate in trauma at the Hemostasis Gordon Research Conference in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire.
Dr. Pawlowski presents at hemostasis and wound healing session at the SfB annual conference, 2018 in Atlanta on translational development of synthoplate technology by Haima Therapeutics LLC.
Ujjal, Aditya and Michael joined the local Society for Biomaterials chapter’s organizing team as Vice President, Treasurer and PR chair, respectively. Congratulations Ujjal, Aditya and Michael!
Dr. Sen Gupta becomes the chair of the membership committee for SfB focused on enhancing the membership involvement and activities within the society.
Abhishek Ramesh joins BEAT Lab to conduct research on biomaterials for hemostasis. Welcome, Abhi!
Kaisal Shah joins BEAT Lab to conduct research on platelet mimetic technologies for hemostasis and wound healing. Welcome, Kaisal!