StudentsChulalongkorn University join Lab
Visiting students from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, join the BEAT Lab to carry out research in cardiovascular and cancer nanomedicine. They will be here till end of summer.
Visiting students from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, join the BEAT Lab to carry out research in cardiovascular and cancer nanomedicine. They will be here till end of summer.
BEAT Lab becomes part of a collaborative grant funded by VA Merit Award program (Sen Gupta co-I, Potkay PI), to study blood compatibility of microfabricated artificial lung devices. Kyle Kovach is a VA-funded research engineer on the project who would be carrying out some experiments in the BEAT Lab. Welcome Kyle!
Undergraduate students Michael Dzuricky and Kristina Vacci join the lab. Welcome Mike and Kristina!
High school student Gurbani Kaur from Hathaway Brown joins the lab to learn and carry out research in the vascular drug delivery area. Welcome Gurbani!
Undergraduate researcher Megan Livingston joins the BEAT Lab to carry out research in photodynamic nanomedicine for cancer therapy. Welcome Megan!
Undergraduate student Christa Modery joins the lab, to work on the synthetic platelet project and vascular drug delivery project. Welcome Christa!
Undergraduate student Yizhi (Stacey) Qi joins the BEAT Lab to carry out research in cancer-targeted photodynamic nanomedicine. Welcome Stacey!
Alyssa Master graduates with Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. Alyssa is staying on at the BEAT Lab to pursue a doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering, carrying out research in Photodynamic Therapy for Head-and-Neck Cancer. Congratulations Alyssa!
Undergraduate student Madhumitha Ravikumar joins the lab. Welcome Madhu!
Undergraduate student Brian Holt joins the lab. Welcome Brian!