Christa receives BMES Student Travel Award
Christa receives BMES Student Travel Award for presenting on her research at the BMES annual conference at Atlanta, GA. Congrats Christa!
Christa receives BMES Student Travel Award for presenting on her research at the BMES annual conference at Atlanta, GA. Congrats Christa!
Christa Modery receives the NSF GRFP award to support her graduate studies! And Christa gets married to Donny Pawlowski! Congratulations Mrs. Christa L Modery-Pawlowski!
Victor Pan receives Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) scholarship and Lewis Tian receives NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF REU) in Biomedical Engineering scholarship to carry out research in the cancer and vascular nanomedicine areas during May-August 2012. Congrats Vic and Lewis!
Christa Modery graduates with Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations Christa! She will continue research in the BEAT Lab to pursue a doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering, focusing her research on platelet-inspired biomedical technologies.
Visiting students from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, join the BEAT Lab to carry out research in cardiovascular and cancer nanomedicine. They will be here till end of summer.
BEAT Lab becomes part of a collaborative grant funded by VA Merit Award program (Sen Gupta co-I, Potkay PI), to study blood compatibility of microfabricated artificial lung devices. Kyle Kovach is a VA-funded research engineer on the project who would be carrying out some experiments in the BEAT Lab. Welcome Kyle!
Madhumitha Ravikumar wraps up research at BEAT Lab and joins the VA hospital for further research endeavors. Best wishes to Madhu!
BEAT Lab receives NIH SBIR Phase I grant (Sen Gupta, co-I) to study blood compatibility of electrospun small diameter vascular grafts. IASIS Molecular (David Vachon, PI) is the industry partner.
BEAT Lab receives NIH SBIR Phase I grant (Sen Gupta, co-I) to study clot-targeted drug delivery using
platelet-directed liposomes. Nanomimetics Inc. (Shuwu Wang, PI) is the industry partner.
BEAT Lab moves to new lab space on Wickenden Building’s fifth floor! Fun times setting up new instruments and equipment.